Wednesday 14 July 2010

Analysis of Music Video ,‘She’s a Bitch’- Missy Elliot

Post-Feminist Reading

The setting and the artists clothing is dark and sinister, subverting the traditional stereotype of women as being pure and innocent. She doesn’t present herself in a welcoming manner. Instead, it seems she wants to make the audience fearful. It is often believed that someone who is feared has power and so this is our first impression of Missy Elliot; a powerful woman

During the video we see Missy wearing a cowboy hat and driving a fast car; both of which are associated with men. Her masculinity again connotes a strong character. She also appears to wear a cap which makes her look bold. This again reinforces her masculinity. Even the lyrics exemplify her masculinity; ‘Give yo’ ass a black eye’ displays her aggressive side and ‘she’s a bitch’ is an offensive statement but it shows she isn’t afraid to swear or cause offensive. She is confident in this statement, not worrying about the consequences. Her dominance her reinforced by the lyric ‘say my name’. This imperative instruction shows her assertive manner.

It isn’t common to see females dress in this way. They are usually presented sex objects whilst men are presented as dominant but seeing as Missy displays her masculinity, she is portrayed as dominant. The dancers behind her are revealing more skin, however the positioning is significant. Missy challenges the stereotype yet she is in front of the other girls, in the centre, a position often associated with power. The girls reinforce the stereotype yet remain in the back. Connotations reveal that by challenging the stereotype women can become powerful and successful. The majority of females are reinforcing the stereotype but Missy stands strong and her independence results in her power.

Near the end of the video all the dancers at the back are now wearing the same clothing as Missy and no longer revealing skin. Evidently Missy was successful in influencing the females to be independent. This all challenges the expectation as one would think a woman has to be sexy to be successful but Missy seems to want change. She seems to have influenced these women, showing her style is effective and has led to female empowerment. Women don’t always have to be seen as a sexual object to be successful.

At the end it looks as if she is standing in the middle of the road, suggesting she is a dangerous character and is willing to take risks. Much like she has done by challenging the stereotype. She also sticks out her tongue which is a childish act but again demonstrates challenge.

Feminist Reading

It may be that Missy purposely chose to use dancers dressed in revealing clothing because she knows she must also appeal to male audience/ male gaze. It could be that she covers her body because she knows she doesn’t have sex appeal. The lyric ‘I'mma keep it hot’ can be interpreted as sexual. At one point she appears to be touching herself and this may be for the benefit of the male viewers as she still wishes to maintain their interest. Although she wears the bold cap she still wears earrings, suggesting she doesn’t want to take away all of her femininity. It is likely that the video is aimed at woman as Missy tries to encourage female empowerment. However she still appeals to the male audience by maintaining a few seductive, feminine qualities.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Thank you for adding me. Splendid effort so far!

Feminist and Post-Feminist Reading of Britney Spears Toxic

Post-Feminist Reading

  • In the video Britney Spears instructs the man to come toward her. She uses the power of seduction to tempt him and he is such a weak character that he succumbs to her order.
  • She wears the costume which makes her look nude to appeal to the male gaze. She uses her sedcution as she knows it will bring her success and fame.
  • When she is in the aeroplane toilet with the man she pulls off his mask. Later in the video she throws the man off the bed and these two acts exeplify her strength.
  • When in the bathroom with the man she takes his wallet, showing she deceptive. she is able to use her sexual charms to manipulate and exploit the man
  • She enters another man's flat and pushes him on the bed showing she is assertive. As they make their way to the bed it is noticeable that there is a woman in the shower in the background. From this it can be interpreted that the man is already in a relationship but he is now being unfaithful. This suggests he is weak when it comes to seduction
  • There is another moment when britney is walking from the fire and not looking back, showing she's in control and is fearless. The fire may also be a euphemism for an orgasm

Feminist Reading

  • Britney wears provocative clothing to attract a male audience so she confirms the female stereotype that women are sex objects
  • She capitalises on her sexuality to get money. She may feel pressured to reveal skin because it is the only way she'll make money
  • She has to use her image rather than her talent

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Textual Analysis of The Club is Alive by JLS

The music video begins with an establishing shot, illustrating a club which develops the stereotype of young males as they often go to clubs. The club scenery is essential as it links with the meaning and title of the song. Medium close ups are frequently used for each singer, making it clear to the viewer who is singing and furthermore the focus makes each of them appear important.Wide shots are used so the viewer can view all four singers and the fact that they share the space of the lens and are spaced evenly yet close suggests they have a close bond. Depicting a close bond often appeals to the viewer. It is also noticeable that the four singers are in the centre of the room, highlighting their significance. Tracking shots are also used which is significant as the song is fast paced and the video consists of active characters so a moving camera adds to the active lifestyle.

As mentioned previously, the club scene reinforces a youthful mind set. Other young characters are seen in the background, dancing and drinking which further develops the portrayal of the young. The viewer gets the impression that young people enjoy this active lifestyle and party scene. There are also alcoholic drinks frequently seen which further develops the stereotype because young men often drink. They are all wearing typical, casual clothing which is the expected clothing of men of this age. What is also noticeable is that most of the background characters are women and of course, these women are attractive and so appear to grab the attention of the male singers. The male singers are frequently shown dancing with the females as they surround them. The females also wear clothing which reveals a lot of their skin. This suggests the women are promiscuous as they hover around these young men with little clothing, so women are given a negative representation. This also adds to voyeurism as this would appeal to a male audience.

Throughout the music video, there are freeze frames which relate to the music when the music briefly stops, there is a still shot. Also, when music beat becomes repetitive, the picture flickers, so the images depict the sound. There are also jump cuts which relate to the fast pace of the music. High key, top lighting is used to highlight the significance of the singer whilst those in the background are in the dark.

There is a connection between the lyrics and the visuals; the chorus contains sexual references- ‘she turns me on’ and ‘you can get up on me’ and throughout the video the males and females are in close proximity and touching each other so the visuals illustrate the words. At times the lyrics portray the video as a narrative; ‘came to the club’.

There are intertextual references in that the video is much like their other music video for the song ‘Everybody In Love’. This video was also slightly narrative and each singer is separate at times yet they all come together for the chorus to perform, just like in this video ‘The club is alive’. The generic convention of the music video is slightly narrative based because the singers are describing their journey to the club and what happens there. The video is mainly performance based because the singers dance during the chorus. It is also concept based in that there are many freeze frames and rewinds and effects which match the music with the visuals.


1) What gender are you?

Female__ Male__

2) How old are you?

13-16__ 17-20__ 21+__

3) Which genre of music do you listen to?

R&B__ Hip Hop__ Funky House__ Garage__ Rock__ Grime__ Classical__ Pop__ Other_____________

4) What music channels do you prefer to watch?

MTV__ TMF__ BET__ 4music__ Channel U__ Smash Hits__ Kerrang__ VH1__ Viva__ Other_____________

5) What are your top 3 favourite music videos and why?


6) What do you look for in a good music video e.g Performance, narrative, or concept based?


7) Does a good music video make you want to buy the track?

Yes__ No__

8) What are other types of music promotion which appeals to you?

Billboard__ Posters__ Magazine adverts__ TV Adverts__ Other____________

9) What radio music stations do you prefer to listen to?

Kiss100__ Choice FM__ Capital FM__ Magic__ Other_______________

10) How often do you go to concerts/gigs?

Never__ Rarely__ Occassionally__ Frequently__

11) Who are your favourite artists/bands?


Friday 25 June 2010


What is genre? Genre is the type or style of music. It is the categorisation of music into groups, enabling us to easily identify specifc types of music.

What music genres do you know? R&B, Rap, Indie, Rock, Classicalm Soul, Reggae, Electronic, Jazz, Pop

What are generic codes and conventions? Generic codes are things that can always be found in certain types of music videos e.g. in rap videos, the artists always wears 'bling' or a hoodie. Generic convention is the style of the music video e.g performance or narrative based

Why is genre important? It allows the audience to identify music

What are the drawbacks of genre? Some genres don't appeal to everyone. Also, genres are usually reliant on stereotypes